Cruising The N.W. Coast
The preface for this book is quite simple. Traditionally, the majority of cruisers that made the trip along the north coast make about four stops between San Francisco and the Strait of Juan de Fuca, at the four major harbors of Humboldt Bay, Coos Bay, Yaquina Bay, and Grays Harbor.
They shape rhumb-line courses well off shore outside of the headlands, and know nothing of the spectacular scenery and cruising grounds they pass by. The only cruising guide of the north coast I was able to find at the time I planned my cruise reflected this tendency.
My pre-cruise research revealed that there were so many places to stop along this coast that the short handed cruiser need not make any leg between stops longer than about 70 miles, in fact the majority of the legs are only 20 to 40 miles.
During my 48-day cruise to the Pacific Northwest I made 21 stops for one or more nights, and 16 exploration visits to various coves, landings and anchorages. Visiting all those marvelous places motivated me to write this book.
The objective of this book is to aid the reader in planning and making a pleasant near-shore cruise along the northwest coast.
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Jennifer Benson